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Canadian M&A Hub

Legal updates and tools for navigating Mergers & Acquisitions in Canada


Canadian flag in front of a building

Doing Business in Canada

Expanding your business or already have operations in Canada? Our Doing Business in Canada series provides an introduction to the laws and regulations that affect the conduct of business in Canada. Browse by topic for practice-specific information and useful resources.

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Quebec flag waving in clouds

Doing Business in Quebec Guide

A guide for foreign companies operating in Quebec. Learn more about specific laws and regulations that affect the conduct of business in the province of Quebec.

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A sheet of paper with financial graphs

Blakes Private Equity Practice

Blakes has one of the strongest and most experienced private equity legal practices in Canada. With a team that spans legal specialty areas, we drive innovative investment structures and strategic thinking across the country. Find out more about our private equity experience.

Railway crossing, a metaphor for mergers and acquisitions

Blakes Canadian Public Mergers & Acquisitions Deal Study

A comprehensive study that focuses on recurring and emerging issues in the structuring and negotiation of target-supported public company acquisitions in Canada.

To request a copy of the deal study, contact us by email

Business buildings

Blakes Canadian Private Equity Deal Study

An in-depth analysis of Canadian buyout and minority investment transactions derived from our exclusive database. The study examines and provides market trends from more than 100 private equity transactions.

To request a copy of the deal study, contact us by email

Digital chart with data spikes

Mergers & Acquisition Financing: Securitization

Learn more about Securitization as a financing option for M&A transactions.

Highway crossing, a metaphor for mergers
Toolkit for Merger Planning and Review

Effective navigation of the Canadian merger review regime is essential to getting your deal done, and Blakes can help you along the way. This Toolkit will guide you through the process from start to finish.

Lady justice
Securities Litigation

An important aspect of our M&A practice is the support provided by the Firm’s securities litigators who work with clients and the transactional team from the earliest stages of an M&A deal to identify and address potential litigation issues.

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Paper Checklist
Cross-Border Private M&A in Canada: 11 Tips for Foreign Acquirers

While Canadian Mergers & Acquisitions takes many cues from the United States and Europe, it is unique in many ways. A successful foreign acquirer advised by Canadian legal counsel will be armed with knowledge about these differences. This tip sheet addresses some of these key differences.

Man typing on laptop checking off a list

Cross-Border Checklist

While Canada is geographically proximate and closely tied to the U.S. by a common language and culture, there are distinctive legal, business and regulatory differences of which any business should be aware. This checklist is designed to assist U.S. and international companies looking to invest or expand operations into Canada.

Paper checklists
COVID-19 Checklist: 51 Issues for Public Company Directors and Officers to Consider

Outlines issues for Canadian public companies concerning the impact of COVID-19 on their financial results, operations and cash flows, as well as the price or value of their securities in public capital markets.