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The Perils of Permitting and an Update on Recent Developments in Environmental Law

Montréal, December 3, 2019 - 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

This seminar will take place in French and English.

We invite you to join members of the Blakes Environmental group for a seminar on environmental permits and recent developments in environmental law.
This year, we will feature a two-part program.

Part 1 – Perils of Permitting
Speakers from our Environmental group will cover issues relating to environmental approvals and help ensure you remain on track and are not left in the ditch.

Part 2 – Environmental Update
Learn about the federal overhaul of environmental laws, including the new Impact Assessment Act, the Fisheries Act, as well as recent developments under Quebec environmental legislation and an update on significant court decisions.
