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Canadian Competition Law and Foreign Investment Review: Insights and Trends

October 1, 2020 - 1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

As the pandemic economy continues to evolve, organizations need to adapt to their new operational realities and be more vigilant than ever on the increased business, legal, compliance and regulatory risks they face.

Both the Canadian Competition Bureau and the Canadian government have responded to the current economic climate with new priorities, policies and practices. This has brought changes to the Canadian competition law and investment review landscape that are important to those doing or looking to do business in Canada.

Please join the Blakes Competition, Antitrust & Foreign Investment group for an update on current developments and trends in competition law and foreign investment review. You will also hear views on the Competition Bureau's enforcement priorities and its approaches to merger, abuse of dominance, cartel and deceptive-marketing matters from Randall Hofley, who recently returned to Blakes after serving on the Bureau's senior executive as General Counsel and Senior Enforcement Advisor.



Thursday, October 1, 2020
Live Webcast
1 – 1:45 p.m. (EDT)

Mandatory Continuing Education


This program contains 45 minutes of Substantive content.

Please note that pursuant to the amendments to the Règlement sur la formation continue obligatoire des avocats (Regulation respecting mandatory continuing education for lawyers – available in French only) of the Barreau du Québec, which came into force on April 1, 2019, the status of “recognized provider” and the mandatory “recognition” of activities have been abolished.
Blakes will continue to provide you with a certificate of participation for your records. As stipulated in the above-mentioned regulation, members must preserve supporting documents attesting their completion of training activities for a period of seven years beginning on April 30 following the end of the reference period during which such activities were completed.

British Columbia
This program has been accredited for 0.75 CPD Credit Hours with The Law Society of British Columbia.