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Working from Home: Longer-Term Considerations

July 14, 2020 - 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

COVID-19 has brought significant changes to the way that we work, across all industry sectors. Many employees will continue to work from home for the foreseeable future, and for some, this may become a permanent shift. As employers start to consider longer-term options, they will need to understand the broader implications of having their employees work from home for a prolonged period. Join Blakes Employment & Labour lawyers for a discussion on key legal issues that employers should consider.

This live webcast will cover the following topics:

  • Establishing work-from-home policies and confirming employer expectations

  • Health and safety issues at home

  • Expense reimbursement

  • Employee monitoring and privacy considerations

  • Human rights and accommodation issues



Mandatory Continuing Education


This program contains 15 minutes of Professionalism content and 15 minutes Substantive of content. This organization has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism Content by the Law Society of Ontario.

British Columbia
This program has been accredited for 0.5 CPD Credit Hours with The Law Society of British Columbia and may be applied towards the two-hour requirement for ethics and/or practice management.