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Blakes Women in Leadership Series: Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader

April 6, 2022 - 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

“Experimentation, not introspection, is the secret to leadership development.” - Herminia Ibarra
Today’s breakneck pace of change has an immense impact on leaders — and as a result, on their organizations’ capacity to transform. All too often, executives remain stuck in outdated mindsets and modes of operating, even when they recognize the need to reinvent themselves in order to lead with greater impact.
In this interactive webinar, leadership expert Herminia Ibarra turns traditional “think-first-and-then-act” philosophy on its head and shows you why you need to act first in order to change your way of thinking and gain what she calls “outsight” — the valuable external perspective that comes from direct experiences and experimentation. Whether you are moving into a new role or stepping up in your current post, Herminia will show you how to change the way you think and expand your capacity as a leader by branching out beyond your routine work, habitual networks and historical ways of defining yourself.
Language: This program will be presented in English.

Blakes Host: 
Terri-Lee Oleniuk, Partner, Calgary
Guest Host: 
Herminia Ibarra, Professor of Organizational Behaviour at the London Business School
An authority on leadership, Thinkers50 ranks Herminia among the top management thinkers in the world. She is also an author of several best-selling books, including her most recent book, Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader.
Click here to view the speaker’s bio.
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
12:30 – 1:45 p.m. (ET)

Mandatory Continuing Education


This program is eligible for up to 15 minutes of EDI content and 1 hour of Professionalism content.
This organization has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism Content by the Law Society of Ontario.

Please note that pursuant to the amendments to the Règlement sur la formation continue obligatoire des avocats (Regulation respecting mandatory continuing education for lawyers – available in French only) of the Barreau du Québec, which came into force on April 1, 2019, the status of “recognized provider” and the mandatory “recognition” of activities have been abolished. 
Blakes will continue to provide you with a confirmation of participation for your records. As stipulated in the above-mentioned regulation, members must preserve supporting documents attesting their completion of training activities for a period of seven years beginning on April 30 following the end of the reference period during which such activities were completed. 

British Columbia
This program has been accredited for 1.25 CPD Credit Hours with The Law Society of British Columbia.