The demand for increased diversity of renewable energy continues to grow as traditional sources of energy diminish. Renewable energy, offering alternative and sustainable solutions to traditional energy sources, presents a vast number of opportunities, challenges and risks for businesses, governments and non-government agencies.
Blakes is actively contributing to the development of and transition to sustainable energy resources and has a long tradition of excellence in advising on the development, financing and permitting of numerous domestic and international projects in this space. Our lawyers are highly experienced in all renewable-energy fuel sources and have represented clients in many of the largest and most high-profile projects in Canada, including solar photovoltaic (solar PV), wind, hydro and biomass projects.
Blakes renewable energy lawyers have the necessary expertise and proven track record to provide strategic advice and legal counsel to clients on all aspects of renewable energy projects. We assist clients with ensuring compliance with regulatory and legislative requirements and negotiating access to capital. We also assist both traditional energy and renewable energy companies as they invest or diversify into renewable energy sources.
We regularly work with our preeminent finance, M&A, corporate, environmental, Indigenous, regulatory and other specialized practitioners to provide comprehensive advice on a range of matters. These include M&A deals, joint ventures, collaborative arrangements, project restructuring, project and equipment finance, procurement, environmental requirements, regulatory permitting, resolution of Indigenous issues, negotiation of impact benefit agreements, and compliance matters.
Relying on our breadth and depth of power expertise, clients often consult us for focused and practical legal advice regarding deployment of renewable energy generation, carbon management, supply chain, cleantech infrastructure projects, Feed-in Tariff program participation, and structuring and responding to requests for proposals for power purchase agreements. With offices across Canada, our experienced practitioners are available to advise clients in the various provinces where they operate. Developers, owners, purchasers, lenders, investors, contractors, suppliers and other service providers all retain Blakes for counsel throughout project development ― from pre-development, siting, environmental review, acquisition or investment, financing, regulatory permitting and construction through operation and ultimate disposition.
With advanced degrees in science and technology, our Intellectual Property specialists understand our clients’ renewable and cleantech technologies and are uniquely qualified to advise on innovation matters, including complex technology development, acquisitions, licensing, protection and commercialization. Blakes also assists clients with allocating risk, responsibility, control and financial return, with respect to a broad range of corporate governance issues and risk management analysis.
Capstone Power Corporation on the acquisition of all of the issued and outstanding shares of NaturEner Prairie Home 2 Energy Inc., NaturEner Wild Rose 1 Energy Inc. and NaturEner Wild Rose 2 Energy Inc.
BluEarth Renewables Inc. on its acquisition by DIF Infrastructure V, an independent infrastructure fund, from Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan.
Lenders counsel for the project financing of the Le Plateau 138.6 MW wind generation project in Quebec (Ruisseau-Ferguson in Avignon Regional County Municipality and in the Municipality of L’Ascension-de-Patapédia).
Elemental Energy Renewables Inc. with regard to providing environmental and regulatory advice for applications to the Alberta Utilities Commission on the 26.5 MW Brooks Solar II solar plant located near Brooks, Alberta, and the 20.1 MW East Strathmore solar project located near Strathmore, Alberta.
Major Canadian renewable generators and electricity traders in various disputes with Ontario's Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) over settlement credits
The Desjardins Group Pension Plan on the acquisition of a portion of EDF Renewables Canada Inc.'s stake in the Cypress wind power project near Medicine Hat, Alberta.
Renewable Energy Trust, as Canadian counsel, in connection with the sale of its North American solar portfolio to Axium Infrastructure consisting of 84 MW comprised of eight solar-generating projects (three in Ontario, two in California and three in Georgia).
IAMGOLD Corporation on its development of a 15MW solar power plant at IAMGOLD's Essakane gold mine.
Suncor Energy on the sale of its half interest in the Cedar Point II wind project to Fiera Capital.
ENMAX Corporation on all commercial matters relating to the development of the C$1.4-billon, 800 MW combined-cycle Shepard Energy Centre and on a commercial joint venture arrangement with Capital Power in that regard.
BluEarth Renewables Inc. on the project financing of the Narrows Inlet hydro project.
Lana FinneyPartner | Toronto
Mark JohnsonPartner | Toronto, Ottawa
Jonathan W. KahnPartner | Toronto
Daniel KofmanPartner | Toronto
Vivian KungPartner | Toronto
Bryson A. StokesFirm Managing Partner
John WilkinPartner | Toronto
Julia BayneAssociate | Toronto
Reena GoyalCounsel | Toronto
John OrangePatent Agent | Toronto
Jeff BakkerPartner | Calgary
Monica ChengPartner | Calgary
Ahmed ElsaghirPartner | Calgary
Dufferin HarperPartner | Calgary
Chris HarrisPartner | Calgary
Dan JankovicPartner | Calgary
Peter KeohanePartner | Calgary
Kevin KerrPartner | Calgary
Ky KvislePartner | Calgary
Terri-Lee OleniukPartner | Calgary
Tina PetersPartner | Calgary
Nicole BakkerCounsel | Calgary
Scott BirseAssociate | Calgary
Elyse BoueyAssociate | Calgary
Erik FlemingAssociate | Calgary
Regan HunterAssociate | Calgary
Abbey KindAssociate | Calgary
Spencer LoughlinAssociate | Calgary
Jordan PrestieAssociate | Calgary
Anna SeefeldtAssociate | Calgary
Laura CundariPartner | Vancouver
Roy MillenPartner | Vancouver
Susan TomainePartner | Vancouver
Rebecca DawePartner | Montréal
Anne DrostPartner | Montréal
Fabien Lanteri-MassaPartner | Montréal
Sébastien VilderOffice Managing Partner | Montréal
Paulina BalabuchAssociate | Montréal
Léa Bénitah-BouchardAssociate | Montréal
Mark JohnsonPartner | Toronto, Ottawa
Jeff BakkerPartner | Calgary
Monica ChengPartner | Calgary
Laura CundariPartner | Vancouver
Rebecca DawePartner | Montréal
Anne DrostPartner | Montréal
Ahmed ElsaghirPartner | Calgary
Lana FinneyPartner | Toronto
Dufferin HarperPartner | Calgary
Chris HarrisPartner | Calgary
Dan JankovicPartner | Calgary
Mark JohnsonPartner | Toronto, Ottawa
Jonathan W. KahnPartner | Toronto
Peter KeohanePartner | Calgary
Kevin KerrPartner | Calgary
Daniel KofmanPartner | Toronto
Vivian KungPartner | Toronto
Ky KvislePartner | Calgary
Fabien Lanteri-MassaPartner | Montréal
Roy MillenPartner | Vancouver
Terri-Lee OleniukPartner | Calgary
Tina PetersPartner | Calgary
Bryson A. StokesFirm Managing Partner
Susan TomainePartner | Vancouver
Sébastien VilderOffice Managing Partner | Montréal
John WilkinPartner | Toronto
Nicole BakkerCounsel | Calgary
Paulina BalabuchAssociate | Montréal
Julia BayneAssociate | Toronto
Léa Bénitah-BouchardAssociate | Montréal
Scott BirseAssociate | Calgary
Elyse BoueyAssociate | Calgary
Erik FlemingAssociate | Calgary
Reena GoyalCounsel | Toronto
Regan HunterAssociate | Calgary
Abbey KindAssociate | Calgary
Spencer LoughlinAssociate | Calgary
John OrangePatent Agent | Toronto
Jordan PrestieAssociate | Calgary
Anna SeefeldtAssociate | Calgary