Navigating the complexities of cross-border bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings can be daunting for international businesses. This demystifying guide compares Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and Canada’s Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), highlighting each jurisdiction’s unique processes and requirements.
The guide covers more than 30 core concepts in bankruptcy and insolvency law, from the initiation of proceedings to the roles of courts and oversight bodies. By understanding the differences between the two legal frameworks, businesses can better prepare for the challenges they may face when dealing with insolvency issues in either country.
Whether you are a debtor seeking relief, a creditor aiming to safeguard your assets or a business in restructuring, our cross-border comparison is an essential resource for protecting your interests and ensuring continuity in unpredictable times.
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The Blakes Restructuring & Insolvency group is recognized as one of Canada’s leading domestic and cross-border restructuring practices. With expert practitioners in each of Canada’s four main business centres, we bring unmatched experience and expertise to meet the immediate and critical needs of our clients. View our brochure to learn more about us and our experience on cross-border matters.
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