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Canadian Cybersecurity Trends Study 2021

June 17, 2021 - 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Please note that this program will be delivered in English.

Despite surging numbers of cybersecurity incidents in Canada, there has been minimal objective Canadian data available for companies to compare their experiences with those of others. The Blakes Cybersecurity group has drawn on internal and external resources and partners to fill that gap.

In June 2021, Blakes will launch the second edition of its Canadian Cybersecurity Trends Study, the first publication of its kind in Canada. The study will provide a snapshot of the precautions that Canadian businesses are taking to counteract growing cyber threats, and their experiences and responses when they fall victim to attacks.

Here are a few highlights of our findings:

  • Ransomware was the most common cybersecurity incident in 2020, accounting for 67% of attacks.

  • In 54% of those ransomware attacks, the victim opted to pay the ransom. Ransom payments have grown exponentially over the last year, in some cases reaching millions of dollars.

  • Only 17% of publicly listed companies indicate that they have some form of cyber insurance, leaving them exposed to potentially significant costs upon the occurrence of an attack.

  • Privacy class actions are increasing, and individual directors and officers are now being named as defendants.

Please join members of our Cybersecurity team at the launch of this year’s study to learn what the data means and how to best be prepared when faced with a cyber-attack.


  • Key statistics on reported incidents, including types of incidents, outcomes, insurance coverage and recovery

  • Analysis of data breaches reported under privacy legislation

  • Public-company disclosure trends

  • Trends in cybersecurity-related litigation


Mandatory Continuing Education

This program contains 1 hour of Professionalism content.

This organization has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism Content by the Law Society of Ontario.

Please note that pursuant to the amendments to the Règlement sur la formation continue obligatoire des avocats (Regulation respecting mandatory continuing education for lawyers – available in French only) of the Barreau du Québec, which came into force on April 1, 2019, the status of “recognized provider” and the mandatory “recognition” of activities have been abolished.

Blakes will continue to provide you with a confirmation of participation for your records. As stipulated in the above-mentioned regulation, members must preserve supporting documents attesting their completion of training activities for a period of seven years beginning on April 30 following the end of the reference period during which such activities were completed.

British Columbia
This program has been accredited for 1 CPD Credit Hour(s) with The Law Society of British Columbia. and counts towards the two-hour requirement for ethics and/or practice management.